
+40747 777 107

HIFU Facelift

HIFU or High Intensity Focused Ultrasound is one of the most popular and effective facelift treatments and a revolutionary alternative to surgical facelifts.

HIFU treatment uses high intensity ultrasound, is non-invasive and has no side effects.

The HIFU Facelift treatment is the only non-surgical facelift treatment approved by the United States FDA.

How long does a HIFU facelift treatment last?

The duration of the session depends on the surface of the treated area and the treatment plan agreed with the dermatologist.
A full HIFU facelift session for the face and neck area takes approximately one hour and 30 minutes.

A session for a single area lasts about 30 minutes.

When do the effects of HIFU treatment appear?

The results of the HIFU treatment will be seen immediately after the session, but the final results will be seen 3 months after the procedure. A single session is needed with results lasting up to 18 months.

Advantages of HIFU treatment

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Clinica Dr. Balcangiu- Stoescu

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